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Poema IX


Poema IX is a non-profit distributed Virtual IXP in Taiwan. It serves to provide BGP hobbyists with a platform to learn and experiment with real life networking.

This IX provides OSI Layer 2 Ethernet Switching service. For the switching network, we refer to IX LAN, IX peering LAN or Peering LAN in the following sections.

This IX supports IPv4 (mpbgp + extended next hop) and IPv6

Meanwhile a number of new technologies are avilable, such as IPv6 Link-local address, Multiprotocol BGP and Extended Next Hop(RFC 5549) but only few networks are using it.
If those technologies are avilable, why we don't use it? So, I have decided to use it at my IXP.


  1. Join via VM (If you don't have a Network PoP in Taiwan)
  2. Join via tunnel (If you have a Network PoP in Taiwan already)

Each Point of Presence (PoP) has its own management rules. Please refer to the PoP List

  • Commercial use is not allowed. For example, using Poema IX to exchange commercial traffic. Please contact us for more information.
  • The IXP DOES NOT provides IP Transit itself, but there are some sponsors who provide IP Transit. Otherwise you can ask IP transit from IX members directly.
  • We require you to maintain an active BGP connection with RS1 and announce at least one IPv6 route from your own network.
  • KSKB will disable your VM when I feel my computer is laggy and if you do not establish a bgp session to RS1 and announce routes.


Participants must have a ASN and at least a public routable /48 ipv6 subnet
Participants should have some knowledge and experience related to networking and BGP, such as:

  • Know the basics about L2 and L3
  • Know what eBGP/iBGP/IGP is and its differences
  • Have deployed more than two DN42 nodes and have provided cross-node ip transit services before. Or equivalent knowledge and experience (have provided similar services on other experimental networks/public networks)
  • Have a humble learning heart. Be nice.

The bgp daemon used by the participant must support the following functions

  • IPv6 link local
  • BGP large community
  • Multiprotocol BGP (IPv4)
  • Extended nexthop (IPv4)


We have three route servers, with 3 different policies

Only RS Regular is a regular Route Server
RS Transitable / RS Chaos are special Route Servers for experimenting.

If you don't know what this is, please establish sessions to RS Regular only

  • RS1
    • AS199594
    • A regular route server
    • Filtering Policy
    • Communities
    • In a nutshell: Config the RS session as peering session
    • You can connect to this RS without any concern, we will do IRR and RPKI validation for you.
    • A BGP connection with RS Regular 1 is mandatory and you must announce at least one IPv6 route from your own network.
    • IP Address(Link-local mode): fe80::1980:1:1 % eth1
    • IP Address(Regular mode): 2404:f4c0:f70e:1980::1:1
  • RS2
    • AS199594
    • "Transitable" route server.
      • You can be a voluntary transit sponsor, and help us to transit our routes to upstreams such as STUIX or AS6939 without setting up BGP sessions for each downstream one by one.
      • Those who need transit can connect to RS Transitable to get IP transit.
      • Transit Sponsors can reject to transit a specific downstream by tagging routes with (199594:0:AS number).
    • Client Roles: Downstream and Transit Sponsor
      • The default role is downstream, you can't announce full table to it.
      • Once you have been registered as a transit sponsor, then you can send full table to RS Transitable.
      • You have to transit routes to upstreams for downstreams.
    • It's experimental since peering routes and transit routes are mixed in the same BGP session. You have to split them with bgp_large_community.
      • Routes with (199594:65530:7) attributes are transit routes and should be treated as upstream routes. Transit Sponsors should reject these routes.
      • Similarly, when exporting external routes into RS Transitable, please tag them with (199594:65530:7) as reference for other Transit Sponsors.
      • Only transit sponsors can export the full table into RS Transitable. Please refer to the Obligation of transit sponsors below.
    • In a nutshell:
      • Regular member: Set RS Transitable as an upstream
      • Transit sponsor: Set RS Transitable as an downstream, reject all routes contains (199594:65530:7) and add (199594:65530:7) while exporting routes.
    • IP Address(Link-local mode): fe80::1980:2:1 % eth1
    • IP Address(Regular mode): 2404:f4c0:f70e:1980::2:1
    • Obligation of transit sponsors:
      • Do not transit any routes received from RS Transitable which contains (199594:65530:7) community.
      • Add community (199594:65530:7) before exporting routes to RS Transitable.
      • Add AS-KSKB-IX-RS2 to your AS-SET. It contains RS2 connected downstreams only.
      • Transit Sponsors can refuse transit to specific users by tagging routes with (199594:0:AS number) and reject corresponding routes.
  • RS Chaos
    • AS199594
    • Does not have any filter: import all; export all;
    • Only men of wisdom can connect, men of wisdom will do their own filtering.
    • In a nutshell: Do whatever you want to do
    • Does not support community attributes
    • Import limit: 2000, it will be disconnected if you exceed
    • IP Address(Link-local mode): fe80::1980:3:1 % eth1
    • IP Address(Regular mode): 2404:f4c0:f70e:1980::3:1


See members list: Members



There are some security regulations for the IX peering LAN and the IX access port (usually eth1 for the IX VM).

  • Only permitted MAC addresses will be allowed
  • arp-proxy and ndp-proxy must be disabled on the IX port. You can only respond the Neighbor Discovery packet that was sent to the Poema IX allocated IX LAN IP.
  • L3 joining only. Bridging our port to other switches are not allowed.
  • Participants must not announce ("leak") Poema IX peering LAN (IPv6: 2404:f4c0:f70e:1980::/64) to other networks to reduce the potential attack surface.
  • Poema IX does NOT support trunk port or VLAN mapping to our switches.
  • Ethertypes: All forwarded frames must have one of the following ether types:
    • 0x0800 - IPv4
    • 0x86dd - IPv6
  • Link-local traffic:
    • Only the following link-local traffic is allowed:
      • ICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitation / Advertisement
      • BGP session over link-local address in the IX peering LAN.
    • All other types of link-local traffic are prohibited, including but not limited to:
      • IGP traffic (e.g. OSPF, ISIS, IGRP, EIGRP)
      • BOOTP/DHCP
      • ICMPv6 Router Advertisement
      • ICMP redirects
      • Discovery Protocol:CDP、EDP
      • VLAN/trunking protocols:VTP、DTP
  • Unicast/Multicast/Broadcast:
    • Only unicast traffic is allowed.
    • Frames forwarded must not be addressed to a multicast or broadcast MAC destination address except as follows:
      • ICMPv6 Neighbor Solicitation / Advertisement
    • Multicast/broadcast packet traffic must not exceed 1kbps
  • Abuse on network infrastructure of IXP members is not allowed. Including but not limited to the following acts:
    • Setting up default route or unauthorized routes to IXP member is prohibited.
      • a.k.a Any form of static route to members without authorization, is strict prohibited.
    • Sending routes that has malformed nexthop attribute such as point to other member is prohibited.
    • Sending ICMP redirects packets to redirect your traffic to other members is prohibited.
    • BGP hijacking without the authorization of the resource owner is prohibited. Including but not limited to the following behaviors
      • Prefix hijacking
      • ASN origin spoofing
      • AS path manipulation


Regarding the IX VM provided by KSKB, as well as the IX peering LAN itself, IX members may only use it to exchange network traffic(internal traffic/peering). Other types of use are not allowed. Extra enforcements apply, including but not limited to:

  • Complying with the laws of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and refrain from any action that may result in the confiscation of the computer.
  • Any operation involving "money" is strictly prohibited1. For example, Game points, card top-ups, registering third-party accounts or account opening/operation of financial-related webpages/programs.
  • For personal use only; transfer, rental, and commercial uses are prohibited.
  • Cyber attacks are not allowed, such as ARP attack, ARP hijacking, scaning weak passwords, malicious exhaustion, DDoS, Trojan horses and interfering with the operation of other networks and servers.
  • Spaming emails, spaming messages, spreading Trojans, viruses (including referencing malicious files from other servers) are not allowed.
  • Commiting copyright violations using Torrents, BitTorrent, etc. is not allowed.
  • Use of the net_speeder/finalspeed/kcptun, etc, and any form of packet multiplication tools that may interfere our network.
  • Fair use terms applied for all resources. It is forbidden to consume/occupy CPU/network/bandwidth and other resources for a long time, such as rclone transferring/crypto mining, or any action that makes me feel my network is very laggy.
  • Using it as crawler or for account registration, etc. which may cause my IP to be marked as a bot is not allowed.
  • You may not run resource-consuming programs, such as online games, crypto mining.


Special Thanks

We want to acknowledge the following sponsors for their sponsored resources and support toward the Poema IX project.

List Acknowledgements
  • Thank to The BaiRuo for the IPv6 Transit to STUIX over GeekIX
  • MrSheepNET LTD
  • Thank to MrSheepNET LTD to be a transit sponsor
  • Transits our routes to STUIX.
  • Muilties Network
  • Thank to Muilties Network to be a transit sponsor
  • Transits our routes to STUIX.
  • MLGT
  • Thank to Gatterer Manuel for providing the German VM for better connectivity.

    1. True story: Someone bought a swag gift card unintentionally, topped it up with a Taiwan VPN. Then the police found the top-uping IP is from a Taiwan IP. Then the computer has been seized and the server holder has been arrested by the police.